JIC Financial Group Limited (Trading as JIC Insurance, FSP1003891) is registred with FSPR and also licensed as an authoried body under full licence of NZ Finanical Services Group (FSP286965). JIC Insurance can provide life & health insurance advice. JIC Insurance does not give financial advice for general & fire insurance, this kind of consultation will be referred to our business partners.
Licensing Authority: Financial Market Authority (FMA)
Licensee: NZ Finanical Services Group (NZFSG)
The products from insurers we can use,
- AIA New Zealand Limited
- Chubb Life New Zealand
- Partners Life
- Southern Cross
We need comply with the standard conditions from FMA, including :
- keep records of all financial advice;
- have an internal process for resolving client complaints; and
- comply with all financial markets conduct regulations, such as disclosing information to clients and reporting to regulatory authorities. We need comply with the standard conditions from FMA
Our Duties
JIC Insurance and our advisors are bound by the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013. This requires us to:
- meet standards of competence, knowledge, and skill which are described in the Code of Professional Conduct for Financial Advice Services;
- give priority to clients' interests whenever a conflict of interest arises;
- exercise care, diligence, and skill in giving financial advice; and
- meet standards of ethical behaviour, conduct, and client care set out in the Code of Professional Conduct for Financial Advice Services.
Service Charge
JIC Insurance only receive commission from insurers. We do not charge customers for providing advice, offers and other services. The commission is generally of an upfront nature and may also include a renew commission.
Interest of conflict
JIC Insurance and our advisors receive a commission from insurers. The amount of the commission we receive mainly depends on client's premium. We provide details of commissions at the time our advice is given. Our advisor may face to a interest of conflict due to commissions vary between insurance companies. To ensure we provide advice based on the interest of clients, we will:
- Follow an advice process that ensures our recommendations are made appropriately, based on clients’ situations and needs.
- Require our advisors to complete mandatory training of managing interest of conflict.
- Maintain a register of conflicts of interests and any gifts and other incentives that we may receive.
- Review our compliance strategy annually.
Complaints Process
If you are not satisfied with our service or financial advice, please tell us at your earliest convenience.
Call us 0800 542 888 in open hours 9:00 to 18:00 Mon to Fri
Email us info@jic.co.nz / admin@jic.co.nz
Write to us 261 Morrin Road, St Johns, Auckland 1072
- We will start to consider your complaint and let you know how we intend to resolve it within 3 to 7 working days.
- If this complaint cannot be resolved to your satisfaction, we will acknowledge your complaint within 7 to 10 working days. We will also provide you with our timeline to respond to you. Then, our complaint handling officer will start further investigation and grab more information about your case. We will let you know the result based on the timeline.
- If we cannot agree on how to resolve this complaint, you can contact our external dispute resolution scheme which is FSCL,
FSCL Address: Level 4, Sybase House, 101 Lambton Quay, Wellington 6011
Postal Address: PO Box 5967 Wellington 6140
Telephone: 0800 347 257
Email: info@fscl.org.nz complaints@fscl.org.nz